9 ways in which you can get out of a reading slump

9 ways in which you can get out of a reading slump

Even the most dedicated reader can find themselves in a reading slump. You may have lost interest in the book you're reading, or maybe you've been too busy to sit down with a good book. Whatever the reason, getting out of a reading slump can be difficult. But we're...

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11 Cute Magnetic Bookmark Sets You Can Get From Amazon

11 Cute Magnetic Bookmark Sets You Can Get From Amazon

While a piece of plain old toilet paper will never be overrated, sometimes it's fun to get a little fancier with your bookmarks. If you want something a little more decorative (or just want to keep your place with style), there are plenty of magnetic bookmark sets on...

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Is Nolae EU legit?

Is Nolae EU legit?

If you are a fan of K-pop and K-drama, I am sure that at some point, you wished you could purchase some of the many Korean magazines featuring your favorite idols or actors. If that is the case, rest assured that you are not the only one.  However, finding such...

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